Maths assessment features in tablet laptop and printed

Maths Assessment
Key Features

  • So flexible
  • So complete

Assessment with Purpose

These extensive features can only be found in our Maths Assessment solution. These are designed to remove burdonsome tasks from teachers  whilst at the same time providing high quality purposeful maths assessment focussed on improving pupil outcomes.

Maths e-assessment on PC, Mac, iPad and Android


Easily set online assessments for years 1 to 6. The system is so complete and flexible that it is perfect for formative as well as summative testing, homework, SATS practice, intervention and maths extension work.

  • Assessments can be set with different questions for each pupil to eliminate copying.
  • Unlimited assessments are included in the price - perfect for re-testing and in-class worksheet replacement.
  • Select questions from any sub-strands to seamlessly partner planning.
  • Pupils can listen to the questions, particularly useful in KS1.
  • The simple Teacher Dasboard saves so much time.
  • For PC, Mac, Ipad and Android.

Formative assessment differentiation by year of study

Automatic marking!

All online answers are automatically marked, whether from assessments, class work or homework, saving teachers so much time.

Teachers can log-in as the children are working through tests to access live data and to see how the pupils getting on.

No Data Entry!

Results from the tests are automatically fed into detailed online gap analysis tools for the National Curriculum.

Teachers and leaders have instant access to detailed individual and class results.


Formative assessment with pupil using tablet for maths questions

Immediate Feedback

Pupils can self-assess, evaluate and have ownership of their own learning, perfect for improving meta-cognitive skills.

Pupils can complete working out in an exercise book or on a whiteboard as they usually would before entering answers. Once all maths questions are complete, pupils can check their online answers before submitting them for automatic marking. Children are then shown any corrected answers enabling pupils to review and self-assess their work.

Detailed maths gap analysis

Detailed gap analysis tools inform teacher’s planning

Professor Assessor's Maths Assessment system is more detailed than any other primary school assessment system. Questions are finely graded into many topics within each sub-strand of the National Curriculum. This detail enables accurate gap analysis of the precise skills and understanding pupils have currently grasped and those requiring further work.

Analysis is available at the whole class and individual pupil level with data to inform both future planning and in-class feedback at the click of a button.

The new detailed sub-strand analysis also provides information for each of the question types within sub-strands. This important innovation highlights particular question types that are causing problems, helping to accurately target feedback and streamline future lessons.


Example maths next steps statements and questions

Automatic personalised individual maths next step statements and questions

Following each test or home learning activity, teachers have the option to print next steps, ‘I can’ and mastery statements together with appropriate maths questions for the whole class. These are individually and accurately prepared based on each pupil’s assessment or home learning activity and come with a full sheet of answers listed for each pupil on the final pages of the download.

You can select how many statements and questions to produce and the questions provided are the most appropriate for each pupil. The questions could be similar to give pupils another try, other styles of question to provide further practice, or extension questions when something a little tricker is most suitable.

This amazing feature provides pupils with exactly what they need and saves teacher a great deal of time..

Maths worksheet examples

Formative feedback via personalised follow on worksheets

When each assessment has been completed there is an option to download follow on maths worksheets. Each child gets different questions based on their assessement results and more worksheets can be printed which will contain different questions each time.

The maths worksheets contain appropriate questions based on each pupil’s performance within each assessment topic. They may get revision work which steps back a little to reinforce previous knowledge, consolidation questions to reinforce current work, and extension questions to engage high achievers in mathematics.

This differentiation is on a per topic basis, so pupils could get simpler questions from a topic yet to me mastered and extension questions from a secure topic. Additionally the maths worksheets can be set to only focus on weaker topics that require more work to gain full understanding - a truly powerful feature that adds incredible value to the formative assessment cycle.