Happy children that enjoy maths

A Cost-effective Solution
for Primary Education

  • Unlimited Formative & Summative Assessments
  • Unlimited printed follow-on worksheets
  • Unlimited SATS Practice, Homework & Intervention

Price List


All prices are for an annual subscription and subject to VAT at 20%.


Maths Assessment System

Times Tables Fun


Small Schools/Individual Classes    call for prices


Single Year Group Schools

From only
£2.86 per pupil

From only
£1.43 per pupil

KS1 & KS2



KS 2 only



KS 1 only




Double Year Group Schools

From only
£2.29 per pupil

From only
£1.14 per pupil

KS1 & KS2



KS 2 only



KS 1 only




Triple Year Group Schools

From only
£2.00 per pupil

From only
£1.00 per pupil

KS1 & KS2



KS 2 only



KS 1 only






SATS practice paper module per class.
This is an optional extra to the Maths Assessment system.




Professor Assessor Ltd reserve the right to change our prices at any time without further notice. However, if you have ordered but not yet paid for a product, we guarantee the price for one month from when the order was placed.